vendredi 14 septembre 2007

Catholic Answers

I've been on google books a bit - and I found this book containing catholic tracts from the 16th century. Catholig. Catholic Answers Well, the answer to this question will determine it. Why do I consider this question significant? 1 John 4:1-3. I don't want to hear that Mary automatically implies her Son. Please provide documented proof that she SPECIFICALLY . I must say I found it very distracting and almost like they were putting on a show with all the fancy vestments, multi million dollar monastery etc. I always considered myself to be a traditional catholic, but now I'm not so sure Catholic Answers Forum (ex. Romance, Historical, Adventure, coming of age) As some one who is interested in writing novels, if possible with Catholic character and/or overtones, I wondering how much of a market there is. Thanks for your honest answers I always wanted to ask that question. :D. Catholic Answers Forums At the protestant churches nearby, all their children's programs are either free or close to it. One program (the most expensive protestant program I've seen) is $20/year. What makes the Catholic Catechism class so much more costly? Does anyone know of some good titles that debunk the notion that Islam gave science back to the West? I've only found some stuff on the web. Catholic Answers Live Thought this may be of interest to some here. JOHN PAUL II RELICS AVAILABLE Vicariate of Rome Accepting Requests VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 13, 2007 ( I usually put up some window clings, but some people go all out. Frankly, I don't care for all the gruesome, macabre, mad slasher stuff. I prefer scarecrows and pumpkins. Catholic Answers Radio I was driving through a side street I have been down numerous times, and I noticed a Catholic Church that I never noticed before. I was really surprised given one I go to the Catholic Church about 5 blocks away and I was unaware of . Given the amount of PM's I [and no doubt others] receive from 'well intentioned non-Catholics' trying to show me the errors of my ways for being a practicing Catholic, I am interested to know if Catholics invade non-Catholic forum and . Catholic Answers I fashion myself as a Thomist. St. Thomas Aquinas (and I also) did (and do) accept that God's providence requires a single predestination, whereby God predestines those whom He elects. God does not predestine people to hell, . I've seen many Orthodox here claim that the Bishop of Rome in normal circumstances would have primacy of honor. Please cite to Scripture and the Early Church Fathers to support this claim. Catholic Answers Forum Catholic Mom asks wasn't there anyone else? My thoughts exactly. I believe the Faithful deserve some answers here. Couldn't the Bishops have found one faithful Catholic in a country of 300 million with similar experience and expertise? . My and my fiancé and I are trying to get his marriage annuled by Lack of Form so that we can get married in the Catholic church. My fiancé is not Catholic, but his ex was and we need to have her baptismal records to prove it Catholic Answers Forums To open a new thought and not disturb others- An aspect of this whole veil thing is semantics. Why not just call it a hat and be done with it? Why this preoccupation with the word veil? When I was a girl, being called to the veil . From Eli Lake’s piece in the New York Sun about the assignation of Abdul Sattar al-Rishawi, a Sunni sheik who has been fighting with US forces against al-Qaeda. A military officer monitoring the situation closely said the early forensic . Catholic Answers Live A major insurance company that sought out business from a local United Church of Christ congregation in Michigan has subsequently refused to even provide a quote for coverage when it learned the church's denomination supported . Christmas will be upon us in less than four months. Are you preparing spiritually for the Lord Jesus to become incarnate in you? By that I mean are you preparing to gift the Lord Jesus to the world as the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary did .

Catholic Answers Forum

Catholic Answers Radio From the beginning it was all about controling the misfits and this from Time Magazine (and thier web site). and who is still standing for up for the misfits of society? As then is now the Roman Catholic Church I was reading an article on Psychiatry and it had a sub-section on the Professional requirements and it talked about how there were diffrent requirements in diffrent countries. I found this interesting. I dosn't go into detail Catholic Answers I am on our parish Library Committee and our parish recently has been blessed with a very large Endowment from an estate, to be used solely for educational purposes, and we have a goodly amount of money from the endowment to spend on . Trucks line up every day at this border crossing to carry melons, cookies, soft drinks and appliances into Iraq. For truck driver Ala Saeedi, the booming trade is proof his country is helping its war-torn neighbor Catholic Answers Forum So one of my friends, from a modern Evangelical Protestant background seems to be warming up to Catholicism. Aside from the Blessed Virgin Mary, of course, his other big stumbling block is that he thinks that Catholicism is too rigid . A forest the size of Sweden obliterated. Catholic Answers Forums My dear friend's father, nearing 90 in vibrancy and good health, took a terrible fall last spring and has been failing ever since. As obvious from the title of this message, Mike is an active Knight and a decorated veteran of WWII Here we go again. Close on the heels of the Swiss government interfering with internal Church matters in using labour laws to forbid the removal of a dissident priest, here we have Britain passing a law which has the potential to force . Catholic Answers Live Learn more about what John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and many other liberals want to do to the healthcare system in America. I was really excited to watch this but it's not on in my area. They are airing Ray instead My friends,I'm asking again for prayers,Steven my son,went to court today,he was picked up last week,after being missing for two weeks,some of you may remember,he is addicted to drugs,and has had past arrests for having other drug . Catholic Answers Radio When I speak to many orthodox, good catholic people, they are very quick to assert the sinfulness of marijuana. When asked why, generally the first answer they give is Well, it is illegal. I immediately bring up the issue of abortion, . Tell me it isn't so uncommon to be a mother of a 15 month old child and I am 42. People, on more than one occasion have assumed that I am her grandmother:( . One sales lady even said Congratualtions Grandma! . Catholic Answers With the misunderstandings that abound about praying the rosary and the intercessory prayer, I am afraid that leaving this could send the wrong message to a non-Catholic who sees it. Do you have any suggestions? I started a thread in the Social Justice room, Support the Death Penalty? It is a poll. The thread has around than 250 posts. I am subscribed to the thread. When I go to my profile page, I can see there that there are new posts Catholic Answers Forum I am in the process of discerning a vocation to the priesthood. I am struggling however. I talk to so many seminarians and priests and it seems that the best they can describe discernment is either a feeling they have that God is . . that is doing a great job keeping the seventh day adventist church honest after all their years of lying. he was raised in Rome and was educated in Catholic schools all his life, infact was even given a medal by the Pope, . Catholic Answers Forums The question has arisen among friends as to whether there would be any problem with a bishop (not necessarily an ordinary of the diocese) celebrating a Solemn High Mass as a priest, absent the additional extras expected of a bishop . hi my friend is coptic orthodox, and he said they dont believe any of the apostles had authority over one an other,and that they were all the same, if this is true, then why do the coptic orthodox people have their own pope ? Catholic Answers Live I bought my 3 y/oa wooden children's Rosary for her church bag. Should I have it blessed? Or should I allow her to play with it? I like for her to be able to touch it and learn the beads. I haven't shown her how to pray with it yet The controversial interrogation technique known as water-boarding, in which a suspect has water poured over his mouth and nose to stimulate a drowning reflex, has been banned by CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden, current and former CIA .

Catholic Answers Forums

Catholic Answers Radio So I've always seen Catholic churches post on signs that Sunday Mass.with the times, etc. However lately I've been seeing them post Catholic Liturgy.Sunday, etc. Do you think its trying to align itself with EO with their use of . It's easy to think of Universities as a circus for wacky professors; their semi-monthly comparisons of Bush to Hitler or indictments of inherent American racism are hard to miss. Universities' deviations from traditional education are . Catholic Answers I was subjected to both at my Catholic high school graduation in 1969. I have never forgotten. But I don't believe that I am alone. The little I saw of the Solemn High Mass this morning on EWTN brought tears to my eyes Ardolino spent his talking to Bush via a satellite uplink from Baghdad. The question was whether the Shiite government in Baghdad can be counted on to keep money flowing to the Sunnis leader in Anbar once the US draws down. Bush: . Catholic Answers Forum Recently in my Theology class my teacher mentioned (more of on a side note) the visions of Saint Theresa of Avalon (sp?). I believe she said that it was all contained in her diary. Are any of Saint Theresa of Avalon's visions available . I watched a utube clip Where an Islamic panel member questioned Jesus death on the cross based on (Matthew 27:46) About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ELI, ELI, . Catholic Answers Forums The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith answers some questions regarding the obligation to offer nutrition and hydration to people in a persistent vegetative state. I just watched the TLM on EWTN. It was amazing. I was looking online at people's reactions. Someone was surprised that the deacon and subdeacon said the second confiteor and that the priest bowed to the cross during the collect and the . Catholic Answers Live This gospel account makes no sense and almost seems irrelevant in Mark 11:12-14. Any interpretations or ideas as to why Mark found it important to include this?? I can refute the Mormon claim with sources from scholars, Catholic and secular, but it gets complicated to do this with all their claims. It would be nice to go to a resource that's created specifically for Catholics against Mormons. Catholic Answers Radio Mary Catholic Church in Escondido, California. Before that, he spent several years in Honduras working with the native people, teaching them about Jesus, building Catholic schools, and working with the poor Stop denying that you worship Mary. If you, or some of the Church you represent, do. Don't be bullied by Protestant ignorance of the difference between latria & dulia: Catholic Answers In Scripture there is as yet no single term by which the Three Divine Persons are denoted together. The word trias (of which the Latin trinitas is a translation) is first found in Theophilus of Antioch about AD 180 Hi, I wasnt sure where to put this question:confused: What materials are used to teach CCD? Do all CC's all over the world use the same materials? Or are there are a variety to choose from and are they all approved by the Vatican? . Catholic Answers Forum The sin is something that I believe is grave matter, however, when I committed it, it was around the time when I was in 8th or 9th grade (about 5 years ago) and I did not fully know or understand Catholic teaching regarding the issue, . Seeing no abject apologies from those who attacked us as rubes for protesting the murderous barbarity of Muslim terrorists I thought I'd offer this from Pulitzer prize winning author Raymond Ibrahim: So anyone going demand an apology . Catholic Answers Forums Hi brothers and sisters. I don't know if any of you ever watch anything on TBN, but I sometimes do, and for the past week and a half I have been watching with disgust and growing anger the outrageous scripture twisting and falsehoods . He's been asking more and more questions everyday, mostly about specific Catholic beliefs. So I'm constantly on this site sifting through threads and looking for answers that I don't have. I just feel such a heavy responsibility Catholic Answers Live this is a request for a loved family member undergoing testing for the cause of a physical and/or mental illness. Please keep my intentions for her in your prayers. Thanks, Chris :) How does the sin of pride and the virtue of humility relate to self-esteem? It seems that to esteem oneself too highly could be pride. On the other hand if we have too little self-esteem, it can lead us to be argumentative or shy

Catholic Answers Live

Catholic Answers Radio In my eyes and the why I perceive Church teaching about acting out on SSA (homosexual activity) and promoting Same Sex Marriage is part of the Culture of Death. Outside of Church teaching one of the things that reinforces this idea to . Okay, How would someone write the Holy Father? What would be the address? Anyone know? I've searched, etc. Thanks. Catholic Answers Could it be possible to receive the sacrament of marriage on the beach from a Catholic Priest? I always thought you could only get married in a Church. I'm attending a wedding in Florida and supposedly there is a Catholic priest . Please pray for the soul of Michael Hardegree, killed in action on 12 Septermber 2007. His father and grandfather, both military, are special friends of mine. Catholic Answers Forum What do you parents do when you're under a tornado warning and you do NOT have an underground cellar, a basement or a storm shelter of some sort? We're under a tornado warning now.and I'm just sitting here. :shrug: But that's another . I can't really explain this, I'm thirsting for something more. I just have the urge to read the Bible, pray the Rosary, pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy.I don't know I'm just seeking something deeper if that makes sense? Catholic Answers Forums New Jersey’s supreme court has just decided that, as far as state law is concerned, an abortionist can give false information to a woman trying to decide whether to have an abortion. Catholic Answers Live Tuesday night, I just entered the K of C that serves the Church I attend. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do or if there is a doing that's really involved. I was seeking a way to really enhance my spirituality and . Hello, everybody. Can anyone here tell me what the various abrieviations used in this forum mean? They are preventing my understanding of some posts, so I figured I'd better ask. Here are some examples: . Catholic Answers Radio Someone finally spoke the truth to Bin laden. Bin Laden was recently sent a video tape by Bill Keller. I don't know much about Bill Keller, but he told Bin Laden what I wish I could have said my self. I have no idea how he got the tape . Has anyone ever heard of this event? Someone asked me for information about it: what it involves, how to organize it, etc., but I've no experience with it. If anyone here does, I'd be very grateful for the inputs. Catholic Answers Our family has recently relocated, and discovered that our church has a free nursery where you can drop off your young children during Mass. The place seems to be well-supervised, safe and entertaining Its a fiction novel about a teenage boy from Philadelphia staying with family in a small bible belt town in Kentucky who has to defend his Catholic faith using mostly the King James bible to do so Catholic Answers Forum We now have a budding mega church in our town and it is all the buzz. Fills the seats of a very large auditorium and sends video of the services to several other large mega branches of the church. The basis of the church appears to be a . He’s Not His Father’s Pro-life Democrat Is Sen. Bob Casey (D., Pa.) pro-life? Did he win the votes of pro-life Pennsylvanians last year under false pretenses? The question arises now after two extremely puzzling votes that Casey took . Catholic Answers Forums Greetings to All. I am interested in views, comparisons, differences, references, comments, and anything that is productive in information exchange regarding these two Monotheistic Religions. One topic I would like to be shown here with . Dear friends, Please pray for JC He is a very skilled carpenter and makes things of beauty. He is a Christian, a good person, and one of the nicest people I have ever known. The problem is, for some reason he has always had, . Catholic Answers Live I decided to take a step back and rethink how I view Christanity and Islam. I tend to take a tolerant, liberal view on many issues regarding these religions. But because of the seemingly disproportionate amount of posts that tend to . My fiance and I are planning a spring wedding that will use the traditional latin nuptial mass and ceremony. Does anyone know of a source for latin-english wedding ceremony and nuptial mass guides? We would like to provide the guests .

Catholic Answers Radio

Catholic Answers Radio I have asked this question to several experts on and I have gotten answers that seem supportive however I would like pose this to the forum would you try to answer this for me? When a Catholic women is trying to decide . My wife saw the end of some show on EWTN last night around 7:00 Central. She said it about some lady who was watching a play that was real similar to Jesus Christ Superstar and at the end of it, Jesus came and bought the lady a cup of . Catholic Answers :confused: Uh..not that I had responded on it for pages and pages, but where did my original thread go about me attending the gay ceremony? Just curious? Its been deleted? I haven't answered on it for several pages, just wondering . The idea that the Catholic Church, an organisation which for so long treated women as second-class humans, and which actively protected priests who were involved in the horrors of child abuse, should have any say in the lives of women . Catholic Answers Forum Please pray for the safety of all of our children in the United States. May our Blessed Mother watch over them and keep them safe. May she safeguard them from all evil. May she pour out blessings on them. May she guide the authorities . When lambasting Islam for alleged ties to terror, critics forget that one in five on the planet are Muslims and that Islam is a vast civilisation, writes Galal Nassar . Catholic Answers Forums Should I read the darned things? I have so much good (aka orthodox) reading to do that I hate to make room on my nightstand for evil/worthless stuff like that.. Any sugestions!? THANKS AND GOD BLESS! I LOVE CATHOLIC ANSWERS FORUMS! I see in the Scriptural Reference Guide on the CA tracts that Heb. 12:1 is cited as support for praying to the saints. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, . Catholic Answers Live I'm watching it online right now. And this sermon is absolutely fantastic!!! :thumbsup: Anyone else watching? If you read this after it finishes, what did you think? Hi everybody, I would like to get some opinions about the practice of taking Malachi's exhortation on tithing literally: 8 Dare a man rob God? Yet you are robbing me! And you say, How do we rob you? In tithes and in offerings! . Catholic Answers Radio and said: I left the Catholic Church because it went against the Bible. Have you ever stopped to wonder: Where did the Bible come from? Main papers Dei Verbum Audiens et Proclamans - Hearing the Word of God with Reverence and Proclaiming It with Faith Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity . Catholic Answers I was born and raised Catholic, baptized and confirmed in the church. Left the church later in life and ended up converting to a protestant (Baptist) church. Spent years in the Baptist church and was married during that time by my . Noah's Ark (1999) is pretty far out since they merged him with Abraham! Jesus (1999) has a game-show host Satan, if you know what I mean. . Catholic Answers Forum I'm just looking for a quick answer before attending a Tridentine Mass on Friday. Is it a sin to m*****bate on my wife, if she says she gets pleasure out of it too? If it's a sin, is it mortal or venial? . Matthew 9:15 15 And Jesus said to them, The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast Catholic Answers Forums WASHINGTON, DC -- As the world witnesses the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the US-led war on terror begins its seventh year, hard questions must be asked about . Apologies if answers appear elsewhere, I did do a Search but could not come up with the answers:. Is a book automatically introduced? Can a member introduce a book? If so, need that book be approved first and how does one go about . Catholic Answers Live From looking at different diocese's websites I've noticed that all the bishops' coats of arms have one feature in common; the wide-brimmed hat with the long, six-tasseled cord. Two examples: . Do the various Eastern Catholic jurisdictions retain their respective Scriptural Canons that their Orthodox counterparts have?

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